Monday, May 24, 2010


Just thought I'd encourage you guys to be ready and FEARLESS! to do God's works. Sometimes He makes us do things we don't necessarily want to do, cause we know that the outcome may be slightly embarrassing and what not--BUT IM HERE TO TELL YOU THAT THE OUTCOME WILL ALWAYS BE OOBERIFIC! I speak from experience when I say this. The enemy (Satan) may try and distort our thoughts and release fear into our souls, but that's when we have to click in and REBUKE the enemy and whatever's trying to attack us. God's love will always remain in the end. His peace will always last when we call on Him. The Holy Spirit is amazing and will ROCK YOUR WORLD. Just be ready. Ready to spread the Good News. Ready to fight for what's right. Ready to make Him Number ONE in EVERYTHING we do.

I'm ready to talk about the Miracles of Jesus, what He's done in my life, to my friends at school. I'm scared--not all of them are Christians, in fact the majority (98%) aren't! But that's what makes this all so very exciting! How else are we gonna get our friends to experience our Creator's amazing love if we don't tell them about it!!!! God will give us the amazing strength, boldness, and eternal love, to share our faith with others. If we take that step, I know His peace is gonna be more overwhelming then anything else.

I'm ready to be fearless.
Are you?

I leave you with these link:

Love Jazzy.


  1. Wow. Jazzy. That is just want I needed right now.

  2. You can do it!
    Go for it, what can you lose...nothing!

  3. =) Taylor have no fear! For the Lord you God is with you where EVER you go.

    =) And thanks for the encouragement "anonymous"

