Saturday, August 22, 2009


Nothing more nothing less. :) God has chosen you!

Might I add Deuteronomy 7:6 "For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession."


You know, I was reading the book of Daniel today, and I felt like looking up the names: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. WOW. God deffinetly picks out our names.
Daniel: God is my judge
Hananiah: Yahweh is gracious
Mishael: Who is like God
Azariah: God helped me!

I mean, these deffinetly mean something, especially after the whole burning furnace episode! And after they were taken away from there families and all---MAN! LIKE, DUUDE!!!

But you see, names don't matter in their physical form. :)

WE have to make a name for ourselves--through God!
What we do really does effect our future.
What we say matters.
Our actions set the paths we choose.....which really does effect our lives.

Set your name.
Make it meaningful. In God.
Live your life for Him, cause in the end, that's all that matters.
Embrace Him....
I always say this--but it's because it screams from my soul! GOD LOVES YOU! HE DOES!
Fix your mistakes, make it right with God.
It's a continual thing.
Don't be another body walking around aimlessley. :) BE SOMEONE.
Bring it all to God, let Him reign, and you're already unique.
Your name will be written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

He loves you!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

You're Important

He'll be your everything.
He'll be your friend.
He'll love you till forever meets no end.

He won't forget you.
He won't drop you.
He won't dump you.

His paths might be scary, difficult, hard.
But He'll stand there.
With you.
Loving you.
Holding you.
Making you stronger.

He won't forget about you.
You're too important in God's life.

He loves you.

When you feel forgotten,
Turn to the One who understands.

He's there through the doubt
He's there through the pain
He's there through that drought

He's the water to your dry ground.
He's the sunshine to the dark room.
He's the wall to your roof.
He's the rebar to your cement.
He's the laminin to your protein to your body.....
to your life.

He loves you.
