Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Soul Cry.

I will not give up.

I am determined to serve You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. Nothing can stop me.

I don't know who I am, only of what I am meant to be.

What I do know is that I am loved by You. I am Your child. I hear You say, "Child, I love you! And nothing can change that! Distractions, broken paths--NOTHING can change My STRONG, GREAT, EVERLASTING love for you!"

I feel confused...and I don't feel confused...but I know....i just KNOW that this is something You need me to do. I know that the plans You have for me are so great, wonderful, and life-fulfilling.

I know that what counts is how my heart is set. What I write down in text or paper is nothing compared to what my heart is saying. And God....God....my heart cries out...
"MOVE ME! MOVE ME O GOD! TEACH ME!!! Give me something to do!!!! Tell me what to say!!!! I AM YOURS!"

And I hear You say, "Child! Child, that is what I am doing! All this... is part of Your book! Trust me! Trust me in everything you do! It may not make sense, it may be sad, it may be mind-boggling--but know this! Know this!!! That I, your Abba-Father, your Teacher, your Provider, your Master---I LOVE YOU! I planned for you to be on this Earth for a reason! You are here on a mission for Me! Don't worry! You have a MISSION, my child! Read My word, and you will know what to do! My promises are not empty! My promises are full of LOVE and HOPE! My promises give you a reason to live! Maybe you can't see the reward at the end of all this, maybe you don't understand it, maybe you find it all to be such a mystery---but KNOW THIS. I YOUR FATHER GOD LOVE YOU. That is one of the everlasting promises I have given You. Continue to live your life for Me and all the other promises will unravel, they will begin to show themselves, and you will have a better understanding, a better knowledge of yourself."

My heart....it beats....it beats for You.

Psalm 121: 1-2
"I lift up my eyes to the hills--where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of Heaven and Earth." <3

David Crowder Band: All Around Me


(Verse 1)
"My hands are searching for You
My arms are outstretched towards You
I feel You on my fingertips
My tongue dances behind my lips for You

This fire rising through my being
Burning, I'm not used to seeing You

I'm alive, I'm alive

I can feel you all around me
Thickening the air I'm breathing
Holding on to what I'm feeling
Savoring this heart that's healing

(Verse 2)
My hands float up above me
And You whisper You love me
And I begin to fade
Into our secret place

The music makes me sway
The angels singing say we are alone with You
I am alone and they are too with You

(Bridge 1)
And so I cry
The light is white
And I see You

I'm alive, I'm alive, I'm alive

(Bridge 2)
Take my hand, I give it to you
Now you own me, all I am
You said You would never leave me
I believe You, I believe"

Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Prayer.

Envelope me in You arms God
I wanna know You
Make me whole
Renew me
Make me fresh....
I wanna know You more!
I wanna be with You!
I wanna express You!

My life is Yours
The Book of My Life---ALL YOURS
I don't know where to go without You
Be my navigation system
Be my Heart
Live in me O God!!!
O God, how I love You!

How He Loves Us.....and How He Will Never Let Go..... <3

Lately, God's been changing my life.....flippin some pages in my Book.......and He's made a new chapter.

It feels good...don't get me wrong......but there's so much I'm going to miss.....

All I can do is trust......

I pray this song changes your point of view as it did mine. God loves us so much, that He will never let us go......He holds us tight in His arms, praying that we will never want to let go. We are His pride and joy....why else did He create us but to have a relationship with us individually and love us?

Don't blame God for the bad things that happen in life. He's given us the right to make choices, and the results of the choices do not need to blamed on God. God blesses us with the good things that happen in life, and it's our job to see those, and thank Him for those beautiful moments.....

So God, I thank you for helping me see that You will never let me go. You're here....and as always, You show your everlasting love......

Here's the song....


Saturday, October 24, 2009


This past weekend, I went to a youth conference called Re:Generation with our youth group...this year's 'theme' was DEFINED.


It was mainly how bout we need to be defined by Christ, and we ourselves as Christians need to define God properly. Not be slack 'n all.

It's so cool to see God move. He really spoke some meaningful things into my life, and I'm SOOO ON FIRE and READY to define God with all my heart!

So ask God. STRIVE to ask Him. SURRENDER EVERYTHING! You've gotta surrender everything for God to move in you fully. I'm sure you'll find how you can define Him then. =)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Forgive and Forget

That's it. Forgive and Forget.
Don't let burdens get in the way of life.
And don't take things so seriously-----or the wrong way for that matter!
Pay attention. Make sure you're hearing everything right.

I'm tired of hearing about nonsense. People blaming others because of a simple MISUNDERSTANDING!!! LISTEN.


And if there is still a problem. TALK with the person. Put all differences ASIDE and TALK. Stop blaming. Apologize for any misunderstandings and FORGIVE AND FORGET---MOVE ON!

Don't let burdens get in the way of life!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Passion vs. Obsession

Passion is not obsession. Passion is doing what it takes to get wherever you wanna be--never giving up until you've reached self-actualization---even going beyond that point! Obsession? well.....according to the dictionary: "A compulsive, often unreasonable idea or emotion." ;)

We have to have a passion. Be passionate about what you do. Who you are. Where you're at. Be passionate about your accomplishments and what you can do. I believe once you're passionate about what you can do, you'll be able to do it to the best of your ability. More than 100%.
Be passionate about Christianity--our relationship with God--and you can grow closer to Him, because you'll have such a longing to be with our Lord Jesus Christ. You'll have such a longing to be with Him, do things through His will...etc. If you have a passion to grow closer to God, you will!

Don't be obsessed with what the world hands out. As the dictionary says--its often UNREASONABLE!--which it is! Obsessed with unproductive, negative music? It's unreasonable. There's no reason for it, unless you can explain how it's practical.

Don't be obsessed with what the world hands out. It's not going to satisfy you. It's like "sugar". It may be sweet and sort of tasty...but eventually you're gonna get sick of it and you won't be SATISFIED. Passionate about what God offers (His LOVE MERCY and FORGIVENESS) will make you satisfied AND happy.

So don't be obsessed.
Be Passionate!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Nothing more nothing less. :) God has chosen you!

Might I add Deuteronomy 7:6 "For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession."


You know, I was reading the book of Daniel today, and I felt like looking up the names: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. WOW. God deffinetly picks out our names.
Daniel: God is my judge
Hananiah: Yahweh is gracious
Mishael: Who is like God
Azariah: God helped me!

I mean, these deffinetly mean something, especially after the whole burning furnace episode! And after they were taken away from there families and all---MAN! LIKE, DUUDE!!!

But you see, names don't matter in their physical form. :)

WE have to make a name for ourselves--through God!
What we do really does effect our future.
What we say matters.
Our actions set the paths we choose.....which really does effect our lives.

Set your name.
Make it meaningful. In God.
Live your life for Him, cause in the end, that's all that matters.
Embrace Him....
I always say this--but it's because it screams from my soul! GOD LOVES YOU! HE DOES!
Fix your mistakes, make it right with God.
It's a continual thing.
Don't be another body walking around aimlessley. :) BE SOMEONE.
Bring it all to God, let Him reign, and you're already unique.
Your name will be written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

He loves you!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

You're Important

He'll be your everything.
He'll be your friend.
He'll love you till forever meets no end.

He won't forget you.
He won't drop you.
He won't dump you.

His paths might be scary, difficult, hard.
But He'll stand there.
With you.
Loving you.
Holding you.
Making you stronger.

He won't forget about you.
You're too important in God's life.

He loves you.

When you feel forgotten,
Turn to the One who understands.

He's there through the doubt
He's there through the pain
He's there through that drought

He's the water to your dry ground.
He's the sunshine to the dark room.
He's the wall to your roof.
He's the rebar to your cement.
He's the laminin to your protein to your body.....
to your life.

He loves you.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Yung Leonard Productions Presents The Louie Giglio Laminin Series






Saturday, June 27, 2009

God is our Captain.

A good sailor obeys orders from the Captain. God is the Captain of our ships, so let's put our trust in His hands...and know He'll get us out of the storm we're in.

Land may seem to be too far.
The navigator might be broken.
You may have lost your map.
But God, our Captain, will always be there.
He'll guide you safely if you surrender completely.

Nothing is impossible.
He'll always be there for you.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Another school year gone. :) sigh. It feels good to kick back and relax.
Here's the deal. I had this great idea...an epiphany really. :)

I just wanted to encourage you to do something this summer...something different, productive, and meaningful to you. Maybe you wanna write a couple songs. A poem. A book. Maybe you wanna start a prayer group. Or just open up your home on certain days for your friends to hang out and be real. Maybe you wanna start something in your youth group. Maybe you wanna volunteer.

I've decided to volunteer at an old folks home with one of my closest friends. :)

One thing I want you to remember is to stay positive throughout your decision. Don't force yourself to do something you don't wanna do! :D And don't fall out of it halfway in. Remember to ask God for strenght when the going gets tough. He loves you.

If you don't know what to do, ask God. He knows you best, and will pick the best decision for you. :)

OH! Don't forget to talk to God about it, even if you know what you're gonna do.
His opinion should deffinetly matter in our lives.

Lovin' Loads,

Chocolate Chip

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Sometimes things may seem complicated.
But deep inside they aren't.
One half of the story may not be told,
So trust they other half is real and meant to be.
Don't be afraid of the future.
God's written our stories,
And sometimes we have to let Him write down
What actions we should be doing.
Yes...it's complicated....
But all you have to do is trust.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

History Maker 09

So our youth group went to History Maker 2009: Believe!! AND IT WAS AWESOME!!!!! lml^.^lml
All of us grew closer--I mean, I don't think we've ever been this tight! :)
We had some pretty fun times there at History Maker. I met Manafest!! :) and his DJ. I am now inspired to become a DJ...my youth leader thinks I should become one too :D lol Who knows, maybe it is in my future!
Worship--now that was awesome!! Being able to dance and 'mosh' with so many other teen was really great--we almost decided to throw one of my friends up and crowd serf her, but it would have lasted two seconds because the security guards wouldn't tolerate it. :)
On our second-last nite, after the meeting thing ended--the DJ came back out and we totally had this big dance party!!!!!! :D It was pretty cool.
I don't think I've ever danced and screamed as much as I did then. :)
But all in all I learned a lot of good stuff. I feel the need to reach out to the community and start doing some random things around the city--like pick up garbage with our youth group! (we did that at HM) and volunteer at the soup kitchen or something...
The speakers at HM were amazing and my favorite line is "When the world says 'NO WAY!' We say 'YAHWEH!'" --Bob Lenz.
I know! Amazing! HAha!
I'm also gonna start this thing for myself. Every four months I'm going to come up with three goals, with 5 action steps. I'm still working on those goals. I'll update it when I think of them. :)
For now though I'm out.

:) later

lml^.^lml whoot whoot! JESUS FREAK OUT!
rock on.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Piece of Encouragement.

Don't give up. That's all I really wanted to say.

Don't give up.

You may be facing something right now that's unbearable, seemingly undefeatable, and in your hands, uncontralabe. But no matter what you can't give up.

God loves you so much. From the minute you were born he knew you could do it. He knew you might face many toubles, but he didn't want to give up on you...because he loves you.

His hands grasped yours as you started school, as you became friends with those you never thought you would. He held you up through those tough times. He gave you the words you needed.

The best thing is, he still has your back. He's still holding your hands. You aren't a mistake. He put you on the Earth for a reason.

He loves you.

So no matter what~don't give up. Do NOT press the STOP button. Do NOT open that EXIT door.

HE loves you, He has faith in you, and even now he's filling you p with hope, strength, and peace.

Call on God, and he will help you out. :)
