Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Piece of Encouragement.

Don't give up. That's all I really wanted to say.

Don't give up.

You may be facing something right now that's unbearable, seemingly undefeatable, and in your hands, uncontralabe. But no matter what you can't give up.

God loves you so much. From the minute you were born he knew you could do it. He knew you might face many toubles, but he didn't want to give up on you...because he loves you.

His hands grasped yours as you started school, as you became friends with those you never thought you would. He held you up through those tough times. He gave you the words you needed.

The best thing is, he still has your back. He's still holding your hands. You aren't a mistake. He put you on the Earth for a reason.

He loves you.

So no matter what~don't give up. Do NOT press the STOP button. Do NOT open that EXIT door.

HE loves you, He has faith in you, and even now he's filling you p with hope, strength, and peace.

Call on God, and he will help you out. :)

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