Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Jazzy: Live

Dear me.
I am going to take up piano again.
I haven't been to lessons in a year, and even so, I only have my level one.
Under pressure, I tried practicing today.


Epic fail. :) Mainly because I was forcing myself to play and I wasn't exactly into it....or in "the moment." :P

Somedays I can do it, and other days (like the present) are just fumbling notes and missed keys.

Must be one of those off days.

:) Haha....I just thought of Jeremiah....
How God told him He had appointed him (to be a prophet to the nations)....
And Jeremiah instantly refused...or at least tried. I don't think you can refuse to do something that God wants you to do :) No matter how hard....But that's another story in itself.
Back to Jerry there.
God had complete confidence in Him. He needed Jeremiah to BE.

So maybe I'm not being appointed to do the exact same thing.
And maybe my task is small.
But I know that any task, big or small, is still a task in itself.
I'm going to go to piano lessons.
I'll rock it.
That can be said in a good or negative demeanor. I mean....I'm sure no piano teacher really wants there piano to be rocked. =3
**dry humour**

This is one blog like no other I've posted.

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