Thursday, March 25, 2010

Intercede. Don't Quit.

It's during times like these, that we're challenged to keep on praying. <3 God...I will not stop praying. And although this is like another storm...I thank you for this challenge...because all in all...I think it's strengthening every one of us who are involved.

We will not be stopped.
We are interceders.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

You are Loved

You are Loved.

Not only are you loved by me, family and friends...but by God.

I wish I could see you face to face...tell you everything....I could understand....I'd see with open open heart....

You're still here because God loves you...and He has a plan for you thats so prosperous, mind-blowing, and exuberant, that it will only happen if you take hold of His hand!! God wants you to HOLD HIS HAND!

You're like a little've grown up...knowing the difference between what is right and what is wrong...but then you see something that looks better than what you have....when really it is not...

I know you let go of His hand, and left him for what the world has...

But God wants you to know He still loves you...and He just wants you to come back to Him!!! He's standing at the end of your broken road with arms wide open, and He wants you to join Him on this new adventure of life!!
I know you can't see beyond the fog!! BUT God CAN!! He truly can!! He has such a vibrant plan for you, and wants you take His hand, you'll see these wondrous new things unfold for you and you'll soon reach the climax of happiness! Don't get me wrong, there'll be plenty on that obstacle course...but that's life. It's part of the adventure.

So I dare you to take that step....
Z.) God loves you.

Y.) There's so much more to life then just living it day by day...when you dedicate yourself to God's ways and walk on the path He's made for you...everything will seem lighter in a new way..because instead of leaning on yourself, you'll have God to lean on and He can help you make the best decisions and give you a reason to hope!

X.) I love you...we all do...and we just want you to be happy and to have a reason to live.
~"How He Loves Us" DavidCrowder Band

Friday, March 12, 2010

Change? Bring It On.

You know it's kinda funny....

If you had asked me two years ago if I liked change...I would've said no.... this answer is still in the motion of being changed, but....

I was thinking....I've gone through a lot wrapped in a small box...that's caused me to think differently about the future...even about the present.
Prior to this year I knew I should be willing to let the future unravel itself and let change come my way, but it was hard for me to accept that in any I prayed.

I prayed to God asking Him to give me a more willing heart...a heart willing to change for His sake.

And you know what? I feel like I could take on anything He wants to throw my way--I mean! To an extent!!! I'm still pretty set on not wanting to jump off cliffs or anything :D kinda change I'm talking about is things that would lead to the future in a purposeful any large or small way...
Moving as in:
Small: stepping forward
Large: literally moving to a different

I think what's happened is....I'm not afraid...and it's because of God, that I feel such emotions... know what...I can't even call it an emotion...Emotions change is something different.....
It's....eternal...something that's affected me for life. And you know what? I'm happy about it =)

So....I'm ready for whatever you have in store God, because I think this realization you've put before me is for the better...and enthusiastically I come before You excited, renewed and restored.






This....this is one of the most powerful nation-building videos I have seen....and....I'm just in such awe.

As I watched this video, tears were brought to my eyes because of how powerful the love of God was shown people came together and were moved by the Holy Spirit in such mind-blowing ways.

Haiti dedicated its government and country to Satan (witchcraft, voodoo, and the sort) over 200 years ago...and now....

Its hardly exclaimable...

Here's the vid:

Now that you've know what I mean now don't you?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Check It.

Man. Just had a fantastic moment with God....not gonna go into details, but all in all, God showed Himself to me through Phillippians 2....

It's a fantastic chapter...and I feel like I fully understand that God knows my heart inside out.

He knows your heart through the thickest point too...and don't ever doubt Him. Just sacrifice your time...and let Him hold your hand....because no matter what you're going through...God knows the situation even better then you do...and He loves you for standing strong and being willing to grow.

Even if the rain seems unending...the Sun is a blink of an eye away, and His glory is shining, even though you can't see it.
